I am
a Medecine Woman
a Womb Healer
a Birth Worker
a High Priestess
a Practical Witch
a Present Mother &
a Devoted Partner
I initiate woman in mystical, medicinal Womb Healing Rituals that free your sensual & creative Shakti flow,
returning you to your primal power to easily birth your babies and your projects into this world.
I guide woman back to their essence, to help heal the Collective Womb.
I come here to you today, rooted in the divine rememberance of who I am, as a Goddess in human form.
A Priestess who elevates women through sensual healing arts.
We amplify our innate pleasure through sisterhood, trauma healing, sacred unions and conscious mothering.
I am grounded in my purpose and how I belong to the Earth in sharing generously my gifts with gratitude & love.
Warning !!!
It was not always like this sweet souls.
If you would love to hear me share my whole, vulnerable womb story, then you are very welcome to send an email towards studioshaktima@gmail.com.
I will tell you in detail, how I went from discovering I had HPV, to curing it through medicinal and mystical womb work
and ultimately ending up in a whole new life.
Today, I am a sovereign woman in a loving relationship that reflects to me every day,
how I can rise into a higher version of myself.
Our child is a reflection of the love we share for each other
and the vision to raise them from karmically cleansed and healed wombs.
I am living in a cozy heart-filled house and I am financially sustained through my soul offerings.
I know my purpose and live it everyday through my devotion
and daily commitments to show up fully from my womb and my relations.
And you can have this to.
I stand with all women remembering who you are, reclaiming your worth
and tapping into your infinite pleasure.
I stand with all women,
receiving the support
to pour your overflowing cup of nectar into all your relationships.
So you can break cycles of trauma,
balance overgiving,
stand firm in your sacred boundaries, embodying your orgasmic bliss
and to feel the essence of true, authentic sisterhood.
I invite you into my safe space, where all of this is possible.
From my womb to yours.
I see you.
I feel you.
I love you.